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Little know fact : I actually decided to become a photographer while living in London on a study abroad program in college. The year was 1999 and the only reason I went to said study abroad program is because my roommate at the time said they needed one more guy for the program or they'd cancel the guys coming. 6 guys, 40+ girls. Yep, I'm in. The curriculum was English, Sociology, and Art. Hello, I was a JAPANESE major. Made no sense, but off I went. During the 4 months I lived there, I shot over 300 rolls of 35mm film on a Pentax KX. Yes, 300 rolls of film. I was so broke it took another 6 months to get the film developed and back. From that portfolio, I applied for the BFA program at BYU and got accepted. One of these days, I'll dig out the slides that I submitted. So thank you England. For the kick in the pants to make this dream a reality.
These make my heart long for the UK so badly it hurts. inCREDIBLE.
England sure looks awesome in your eyes. I love all of these!
This is EPIC!!!!! :)
This is EPIC!!! :)
That's the best kind of story, right there. Simply amazing. Congratulations on all of your extremely well-deserved success!
the birds and the waves... that image is so incredible! big hugs xxJen
Incredible dude! So glad you went to England..
You've got an extraordinary gift of showing ordinary things and places in a beautiful way :) Respect.
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