October 6, 2011

Here's to the crazy ones, the rebels, the misfits...

No commercial ever has resonated more with me than this. I never do posts like this, but there is something in this message that I have to share this.

Today is my 36th birthday. And if you've been reading this blog, you know every year on my birthday, I give away stuff.

This year is no different.

Today is the last day to get the FIND Guide on sale for $79. Which you can do HERE.

But that is not the giveaway, that was more of a reminder :).

So, I'm giving away a handful of scholarships to FILM IS NOT DEAD.

1 spot to FIND Atlanta March 19th-21st 2012
1 spot to FIND Orem April 23rd-25th 2012
1 spot to FIND Boston MA June 11th-13th 2012
1 spot to FIND Chicago July 16th-18th 2012
1 spot to FIND Vancouver Aug 13th-15th 2012
1 spot to FIND Charleston Oct 15th-17th 2012

Yeah, you just read right, I'm giving 6 spots away to FILM IS NOT DEAD 2012, free, no strings attached, done and done.

Well, ok, there is one string attached. Here is the catch. I want to hear from YOU. Are you a crazy one? Are you a rebel? Are you a misfit? Better yet, are you a trouble maker?

In 50 words or less, tell me why you, among all the people who are going to enter this contest, deserve the scholarship to FILM IS NOT DEAD.

This contest will be open until Oct 11th. To enter, comment below with your 50s or less entry and on the 11th, I'll choose the 6 peeps who will be coming to FILM IS NOT DEAD 2012.

So, on my birthday, here's to you, the readers, the people who follow me regardless of the crazy answers I put on Formspring.

And here is to the six people who can join the crazies, the rebels, the mifits and trouble makers in 2012.

Now, let's see those submissions!!!


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Brandy Ellen Photography said...

Throwing all pride aside, I am an about- to-be-35-year-old-photographer who is desperately trying to discover my true voice in photography. In the rest of my life, I am the passionate, fight-for-justice, intense, won't back down woman...but I am not sure how that translates through in my photography. I desperately want to make connections with others in the journey.

A Yen for Japan said...

Tomorrow is my 38th birthday. I've only done one crazy thing in my life - spent 7 years in my twenties in a foreign land. In this third decade, it's time for two crazy things - becoming a first-time parent and listen to my inner voice and go to a FIND workshop!

A Yen for Japan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brandy Ellen Photography said...

Crap. Posted from my iPod and had too many words. Trying again.

In the rest of my life, I am the passionate, fight-for-justice, intense, won't back down woman...but I am not sure how that translates through in my photography. I desperately want to make connections with others in the journey and find my true photography voice.

Unknown said...

I would like to learn from you. One of my idols just died and I'll never get a chance to learn from him. I don't care which spot you grant me if I win, I'm flying in from Croatia.

Dson said...

I am always the odd one out, never conforming to the ordinary, I see words as colors, I caress sounds, I shoot film in a digital age, my Photoshop is a darkroom. My world is blind as I can shoot but could never interact with people properly for just a photo.

All in Perspective said...

Happy birthday, j!
Yesterday I purchased my first sx70 and I picked up a box of film at a store nearby. I was too excited to wait until I got home so I went to lunch and loaded it up. My enthusiasm grew when I busted out the camera, and people crowded around me in awe--all amazed at this "oldmysticalcamerastillworkedandhadfilm". I took her maiden shot of the waitress. This inspired 3 people to go and get film cameras. This is what I do--inspire people everyday to shoot film. I can even provide reference letters to prove it! :) since getting the FIND guide earlier this year, I have been amassing film and cameras. It has been awesome. I would gladly travel to most of these venues to attend as it would be an honor to keep spreading the good word. :D. Cheers.

Brandon Turner said...

I am a trouble maker, I am a misfit, I am an artist, I take photos that I alone want to take because that is the way I see the world and those in it, I may not yet be perfect in the eyes of professionals and critics but by breaking the rules and standing out I can and will be great.

Kina Wicks Photography said...

50 or less hmmm... I'm a rabid learner. Analog makes my heart beat faster. I think you're rad. I live in Chicago. C. Wiloki told me to. Since starting my business a year ago it's gotten so crazy busy that I NEED film in my life to simplify my workflow.

Victoria said...

I’ve never really been a crazy one. I’ve always done what I’m told. But this year…this year I started a photography business! I learned photography on film, got lost, the FIND guide led me back, and FIND 2012 will guide me to finding my true vision.

Maiko said...

My current temp job is the longest running position I’ve had in my 25 years. I have not yet had my own health insurance. But I create. That is what I do. That is what makes me happy. Please, let me have the opportunity to learn to create with film.

Unknown said...

34 yr old mom of 5. i do things differently all the time. i am the "hippie" to most who know me. i run barefoot and will one day do an ultra marathon. i want to do what others fear to do and conquer my fears along the way. i would love to shoot film. to let go of that fear of not getting it right. your awsome!

Randi Gardner said...

I see art in every aspect of my life. That is why I can't help but photograph it. I dont know much about film, but it has recently sparked my interest. I would love learn more because I want to capture what is real and to me that is film.

kj said...

Things I love, but my bosses…eh, not so much:

I love to smile
I love to laugh
I love to be happy
I love to ask questions
I love to get answers
I love to have fun working
I love film…

And would love to be my own boss :)

Daphne Chan said...

I felt lost and confused after law school. The awakening came when my father died. I pursued photography and had a successful wedding and portrait studio but was still searching. After saving up for 3 years, I moved to New York and went to photo school to be an artist. I'm a misfit who loves film and the darkroom and I'm still re-inventing my life.


Anonymous said...

Husband, father, photography student with amazing wife--my cheerleader in pursuing this crazy idea that I can make FILM(!) more than just an obsession: my profession... even though it means she'll never live "the life" for it.
We've been saving for this. I owe her the opportunity to learn from you.

(P.S. The Vancouver FIND would be ideal.
I also like to eat applesauce on Mac&Cheese. Weird.)

Andria said...

First of all, Happy Birthday!

I'd probably be considered a misfit, especially if you ask my in-laws or my family. :)

I had surgery 3 weeks ago on my right thumb. I have been in a cast which makes it hard to accomplish much of anything (since I'm right-handed). After dealing with pain and swelling and the crappy situation, I'd love a spot in your workshop to get inspired and shoot photography again.

I'm hoping my cast will come off today. Winning a spot would top that even!

Alex said...

I'm not a crazy, I'm not a rebel, I'm not a misfit, and I'm not a trouble maker. I'm me. I've probably been all of these without knowing it, but thats because I go with my instincts, I don't want to have any regrets. I am who I am, and I love it.

Naomi Karth said...

I'm a rebel because my own mother told me our photography business wouldn't be successful in this area... and it is! Must be the crazy way we see the world. Different, but good. Thanks, Mom!

Unknown said...

Not entering, although to attend another workshop would be amazingly bomb.

I just wanted to tell you happy birthday and to thank you for bringing so many amazing people into my life through your workshop. Including you.

Dooby huggs forever,


Rachel said...

You are one of those change makers. Happy Birthday friend.

Ty Wynn said...

Received schooling and worked to get my current comfortable corporate job only to find out it’s not for me. About to leave it all behind to pursue medicine and more humanitarian work. Learning how to be comfortable as a misfit, and have my vocation and photos reflect my true voice.

-Tai Nguyen (Not sure why my user ID are just numbers.)

mnwphoto said...

Honestly....I'm scared of film. I have been a digital photographer professionally for about 2 years. I ewww and ahhh at the site of film and how pure it is...oh how I love it. But have never had the confidence that I can do it. I tell myself everyday, "I can do film, yeah, it's not scary, one shot cost 2 bucks, no big deal" I want to take this chance and FIND myself in film...cause I know I meant for it....just want to believe in myself and DO IT! This opportunity would blow my pants off and I would be so grateful! Good luck choosing, theres a lot of goodies out there!

Jorrit Lousberg - Light at Work Photography said...

You could say I'm a misfit. (Engineering degree but decide to become photographer). Attending your workshop would change me as a person. Give me the scholarship, change my life and I am crazy enough to think the world will follow...

geo1976 said...

For the Boston spot.

I want to be a rebel. I believe in order to have your own successful business you have to be a bit of a rebel. I mean, you're going against the establishment by taking a risk and starting your own venture...gotta be a bit of a daredevil for doing that.

I'm trying to find that youthful Billy Idol within me and focus on what I trully love, photography. Play permanent hookie with the corporate world and hang out with great, loving couples who want me to document their day...yes please.

The FIND Workshop would give me that extra octave to hit the REBEL YELL. :)

Happy birthday brother.


Emily Steffen Photography said...

I'm already coming to Miami this year, but I just had to chime in and say that I LOVE THIS! This post, that commercial and these answers.....thanks for inspiring us rebels and game-changers out here! YOU ROCK JON! :) Can't wait to meet you in Miami! :)

Allison Easley said...

I'll tell you, I had many many years of being a 'rebel'. You know, the teen angst that led troubled days and nights that kept my parents up for hours wondering where I was. I was a rebel in the sense that I rebelled. But now, I'm a different kind of rebel. I was told my whole life to be something HUGE!!!, to do something bigger than everyone else because I was meant for greater things. I hated hearing this, from my parents, my bishop, my counselors at that desert bootcamp that made my story so visible to the mainstream media. I was told I should be a surgeon! Maybe a law professor, you know, something crazy and amazing, something different! "Use your talents and really rebel against the world! Rebel against the mundane!"

And then I made a decision that changed my life. I rebelled against the world. I made the crazy decision to forego the formal education I'd been told to pursue...and I became a mom. A mom 7 times over.

In this day and age, the game changers are the ones society puts on a pedestal for doing something "great". Invent a new kind of car? REBEL! Blog until you get fired for it and you gain a billion followers and just as many dollars? REBEL!

You know what I did though? On a dark and chilly March morning, oh so many years ago, I held my first baby girl in my arms and looked into her curious face and realized that I had not done what everyone thought I should do. I had rebelled. I had changed MY game, changed the game for the next 6 babies to come. My husband looks on me every time we do this and tells me that his sweet Korean mother is going to really let him have it about how many kids we've decided to have and I say LET HER SAY IT! BRING IT!!!

I've decided to be a mom, and to try my damnedest every day to be the best one I can. I was supposed to be a doctor...a lawyer. Something great.

And guess what. I did. I do. I have. I'm a rebel, Jonathan. I'm that lady who loves these kids, who chronicles their lives (and the lives of so many of my clients) with my camera. And because of that, I'll never look back and say that I'm disappointed in my choice. I love wearing this "REBEL" label, and I wear it proudly.

I'd love to attend your Orem event. I've wanted to come for the longest time, and have had many friends who have told me to "GO, Alli! Go! It'll change your life!" But as time permits, and the cost of being the rebel is great, and has made it so I keep saying "maybe I'll save up and go next time". But there's always another scout uniform to buy, and a car to fix so your sweet 16 year old can take his date out for Homecoming. Let me come. Let me figure out why I need to put down my boyfriend, the Mark II and go back to the beloved film that I used to adore when I was young and developed an entire high school film project in my parent's front bathroom slash dark room. Let me rebel against digital, Jonathan! ;)

Sorry I'm so long winded. I tend to be so when I see something I really really want.

And the first snow of the year on your birthday? How's that for a happy birthday?! I had my last baby a few months ago on my exact 38th birthday and let me tell you. It only gets better.

- Alli, Lehi, Utah

[MORGAN] said...

I dream big. So big that people probably call me a megalomaniac behind my back. Well, maybe I am a megalomaniac. One who is going to be on Survivor, is starting her own podcast (even if no one listens to it) and is passionate about Disney. Do what you love.

Jessica Horton said...

I have spent the last 2 years attempting to master my Nikon D700, array of lenses & flashes..... only to be hit in the head like a brick to realize film is what I really enjoy. I thought what the heck... let's give this a go. I bought a 5 pack of portra & have been having a blast. Just got an F5 yesterday, and have never been so ecstatic over a piece of equipment. Would be so thrilled to join you in Charleston or Atlanta!!

Anonymous said...

When did I start taking pictures? I was asked. When I was 12! Well, a point and shoot does not really count. Until one day I was told my images belonged in a magazine. And that I have missed my calling. That year, I was 32. I thought long and hard after that comment. I wasn't 50 or 70! I need to do this. I loved photography and didn't 'know' it. Today, I have NOT missed my calling. I am doing what I LOVE, LOVED, and continue to love.

Shaylee said...

Everyone wants to be different, to be noticed, to be important, and to stand out. But how can you do that when you follow all the rules? If everyone follows all the rules, then everyone is the same and no one stands out, ever.

Aristotle, da Vinci, and Michelangelo (along with many others) have thought outside the norm, have done things differently, and therefore have revolutionized the way we see and understand things now—even if, at the time, they were rejected.

I'm the type of girl who will stay within my boundaries, but I will stretch my boundaries to the very limits that would normally push others over the edge. I'm limber, I don't fall off edges.

I'm not a rebel in any dangerous way, but I rebel against the adulterated ideas that have become society’s norm. One of those adulterated norms being digital photography. So many people say that film photography has died and gone away. I feel sorry for these people because they don’t see and feel what can be right in front of them! I love the look, feel, sound, smell, and taste of film (without using taste buds). I love the thought provoking process of film. I love that film can do what digital only tries and almost always fails to imitate.

Photography started out as a hobby for me when I was a teenager; I used it digitally and I didn’t know what I was doing, but I liked it. Now, film photography has become this love affair for me, and I don’t see anything wrong with that! I photograph and produce unadulterated works; works that exist in nature and the beauty of individuals, and often people don’t seem to see these works in everyday life. In my images, I do my best to embrace these unadulterated works. I love and embrace the truths the world has always held, but is quickly forgetting.

Unadulterated photography is like a curved blade inside of me. The photography sticks in me and stays in me. If the photography is ever taken out, it leaves a very memorable mark. This is what I want my images, my photography to do. I want it to stick and stay in people, and if it leaves the people, it leaves them with a very memorable mark.

Shaylee, Alpine, UT

cassidy said...

I am a mom of two girls, ages 1 and 2. A year ago, I gave birth to my daughter naturally in my home because I just wanted MORE. More of the experience, the beauty.. just more! That day changed me for the rest of my life, and certainly and absolutely changed the way I photograph the people in my life. I've been pregnant and nursing for the last 3 years up until now and I'm ready to kick some photography butt! I'm now finding that I want to shoot film for the same reasons I wanted a home birth... I just want MORE. I'd love to join you in Orem, if I could. :)

Oh, and Happy Birthday!!

cassidy said...

I am a mom to 1 and 2 year old little girls. Last year I had a home birth because I just wanted MORE. More of the experience, of the raw beauty, the emotion... that day changed my life forever and it certainly and absolutely changed the way I photographed people. I am now realizing I want to shoot film for the same reasons I wanted a natural home birth. I just want more. I have been pregnant and nursing for the last 3 years and now I am ready to kick some serious photography booty! :) It would be a dream to join you in Orem.


Amy Rae Photography said...

I bought a Contax, my first film camera, and now my business is under for the second year with one wedding booked next year. Business is slow because I have chosen to follow and support my husband’s dream flying airplanes for our Air Force. Now it’s time for my dream!

We are stationed in New Jersey so going to Boston would be perfect! Praying for something amazing! Thanks for offering to do this!

mtherrmann said...

I am a misfit, a rebel…a troublemaker not for the sake of fitting into a category, but for the sake of betterment. Betterment in others and betterment in myself. FIND 2012 would allow me to better others and myself through the art and storytelling of film photography.

Alicia said...

The world is not constant. As a photographer I’m persistently learning, growing. I am passionate; I want to push myself, I want to learn film. This opportunity would allow me to continue developing my story, so that I can capture other people’s stories in a raw, imperfect, beautiful way.

Anonymous said...

Just watched that video today on pinterest. It spoke to me too, not that I feel like a rebel but because I would like to be more like the people that did change the world. Love your style and would love to see how you work. Maybe it can help me unlock how to let my style shine through and so I can be more confident and have people trust me with their inner beauty. Would be able to attend the Orem FIND. Thanks for the chance.

Unknown said...

I love film! Simple as that. I’ll be starting my own photography business in a year. I aim to awe & inspire with my photos and film is the perfect medium. And...I would, of course, love you forever and spread your name like a wild fire!

Wishing you a VERY happy birthday! :-)

abbydell photography said...

First introduced to FIND through Kristopher Orr & since I’ve always wanted to attend. Recent BYUIgrad with a major in photography, & I'm already itching for more education. Nerd? Maybe. I’d love to get better acquainted with film, & learning from the master might be pretty rad. Yup, it would.

Josh said...

Because I won't give up. I'll will work my ass off to achieve my dreams. I've faced adversity and tragedy my entire life, took it head on and never gave up or let life beat me down. Now I'm trying to raise a family on this dream.

(Would love to be at FIND ATL or hang out with you and my boy Jamie Clayton in Charleston)

jakedavidrohde said...

I've always been a dreamer living in a world of dos and don'ts, following the “rules”, going to school, being told that what I wanted was not “practical”. In 2009 I started down a path to change everything I have learned about life and will not stop. Ever.

elle imagery said...

Happy Birthday Jonathan. I am a TROUBLE MAKER to say the least. My neighborhood despises me. I don't have any friends where I live because I can't sit still. I'm always trying to improve things, change things, make a difference, make the world a better place to live. A lot of people are not ok with change. I am NOT one of those people. If I see something wrong, I work and work until it is fixed. Thus far I am self taught. I adore film and the skin tones and gorgeous color it brings to a digital oversaturated world. I am an artist, but, I have the potential to be a great artist. I want to transition to film and am considering going back to school to do so. I would love to say I accomplished greatness without mainstream schooling though. Your workshop is a way to get there for me. I would be interested in the Orem or Vancouver workshop. Thanks!

N said...

Jesus Christ is the Savior of those who would believe in His atoning sacrifice. Only in Him do I have hope. He's the lifechanger, and I boast in His cross. There's a rebellious statement. And I photograph weddings, so I'd love to be at a FIND workshop.

Rachael said...

I have no magic words or awe inspiring thoughts on why you should choice me over someone else. I just know in my heart that photography, film photography is what makes my soul whole. So I will learn more everyday no matter what, but learning from a master would be epic. But let's be honest, I'd be doing a happy dance for days! Either way you are an inspiration to me. Keep being you, the world needs more people like you. Happy Birthday!

Naomi Reynolds said...

I've always felt like a misfit, someone who doesn't fit in anywhere. I've always had a hard time expressing myself through words...that's why I make photographs. I received my first camera when I graduated from high school. I fell in love with photography! I remember being so excited when the developed pictures would arrive in the mail. I shoot digitally now, but...it's not the same. I would love the opportunity to go to Charleston. That's an amazing city! You are such an inspiration! Happy Birthday!

Laurajane said...

I refused to be defined by a college degree and instead started my photography business with no clue what I was doing. Most people would find that stupid. And I've even had crazy thoughts of making my business all film when I know next to nothing about it.

Bethany said...

Because I don't feel that I am who I've always wanted to be yet, regarding the arts. With photography, I feel that there is potential within me that is aside from the digital, editing aspect of it all. I'd be fine with finding that potential, I think.

Wendy Gibson said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Caroline said...

My husband dubs me 'his weirdo'. NPR and hip-hop are my soundtrack whilst getting geeked up about light and reading obsessively about presidents past. Imaginary tea and crumpets with my little blows away editing digital files...times 1000. Film, you are so not dead to me...see you in 2012?

Shaun Bailey said...

I’ve always had a burning in my gut that told me I would have a voice to give the masses. My first camera ignited the flame and gave me that voice. I would love to attend FIND 2012 and fuel that fire within to engulf the world.

Wendy Gibson said...

because i'm afraid and i don't want to be afraid any more.

Marina said...

heck yes! Jonathan, you urge us to shoot with purpose, work harder, have a vision. Being an emigrant from former ussr what i love most about the states is that i can be myself, think for myself and create what i FIND beautiful. Learning from you would be a privilege!

Adam said...

Happy Birthday Jon!

My bride-to-be is a shutterbug. When she's not working, she is always "pursuing the light"; looking at photo blogs, learning technique, taking too many pictures of me... you get the drift.

She loves film. She also loves your photos. If she didn't, I would have no idea who you are. No offense.

Please take her as your student, so that I can justify buying her a 4x5 field camera! :) Cheers!

Kristin Korpos said...

I have gone to school for too many years to be too many things that I do NOT want to be. I went to college to be a sociologist (what do people actually do with that major?), I went to law school to be a lawyer, I went to business school for an MBA. l'm 35 and I really want to be a photographer, it's not too late, right? It just took me a while to get here...Pick me for Boston FIND : )

Mariana | Kismis Ink Photography said...

It would be an amazing blessing to win a scholarship to your Atlanta FIND 2012. Watching the same video you describe, I saw my life story. I've always been a rebel, a misfit...but never have seen it that way. I've always just been me. The only 'me' that I know to be and that doesn't always fit 'in'. Photography is as much part of life as the memories in my mind. I shoot digital and have never had the opportunity to shoot film...and that leaves me feeling a void. I yearn to shoot gorgeous images in film and fulfill a long time dream. Thanks for this opportunity Jonathan. all my best wishes! -Mariana

Michelle Foley said...

I am not the norm, I am the rebel. 3 years ago I took the plunge to be myself to not conform into the blah blah blah of the corportate world but to finally be free to be me, to express myself and my crazy ways. Photography is my art, is my voice, and I want to be heard...some may think I'm crazy with my camera tatoo on my finger but that's just may way of expressing my insane love and passion for the camera and the view of the world through it.

Wendy Laurel said...

I am crazy enough to do it 3 times and wild enough to fly to Orem where the rest of the cool kids are because I know without a doubt I will always learn something new that changes my world. Plus, no one else will have me. #misfitsunite

jeff ambrose said...

i'm not convinced film isn't dead but i'd love to be proved wrong. :)

Caroline Fontenot said...

Because when you come to Atlanta, I'll challenge Jamie Clayton to a dance, or karaoke off, and you'll like it. Eight years on the mike and I'm not jokin'.

Jo said...


I rebel against logic in life. I chopped off my hair, traveled abroad and served, moved to California - among other irrational things, with my camera in tow - all because I felt something telling me to inside. I study film because of the heart I feel behind it.

Anonymous said...

I started on film, used to love the stuff, and despite my random attempts to get back into it (since buying a 20d for weddings in 2003 i've rarely touched it)-- like buying holga's i never use and a 4x5 rig for my studio that just sits there looking cute-- i feel i need a firm burst of inspiration to set aside time and play with this stuff again. I would love the motivation of your BOSTON workshop to look forward to!

evie said...

because I love what I do and film is giving me another way to explore what I love - photography. Steve Jobs said to do what you love. "Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work, and the only way to do great work is to love what you do." This is so true. I would love to learn from you how to even further develop my relationship with photography by adding film to my repetoire. :)

A.J. said...

It's funny that digital photographers strive so hard to obtain that vintage film look and feel in their photos. What better way to 'learn to shoot film' than with this workshop? I can think of no better way to hone my (admittedly novice) love of photography. Improve me for life!

Alycia said...

I've always been normal, and never excelled at any one thing. I've never been extraordinary, and never won anything in my life. I've always been comfortable, and never been challenged. I want to challenge myself to no longer be comfortable, take control of my life and excel at my passion!

FIND 2012 in Orem would be my dream come true.

Jim said...

I like to get my hands dirty, from vintage cars and motorcycles to my daily grind as a designer, I feel the need to create. There's nothing better than stepping back, wiping sweat from your brow and saying, "I made that." I want that same feeling when I shoot film.

Paul said...

Because boring is full. That's how I approach everything I do in life.

Kalyn said...

Because I've always been really boring and I wanna learn to be a rebel. :) Pick me, I'd love you forever! Actually, I will love you forever anyway cause you are freakin awesome!

Kat Speyer said...

I am a wanderer, a pixie, a maven. I am enthralled equally by the deliriously beautiful and the horrifyingly grotesque. I love new, frightening experiences. Film. Scares. Me. So I desire it to speak for me: for my lovely film cameras to be part of my voice, not fancy paperweights.

Casey McFarland Photography said...

I am an underachiever. I refuse to allow my profession as a photographer, schooling, status, or anything get in the way of my bond with my family. I can be so much more of what people think is success but it will have to wait till I am 50.

kali said...

I got a puppy while potty training my two year old so now I clean up poop all day. Words can not describe how much I am moved by your work. I just invested in the contax 645 LOVE it want to learn more. Would fly out to ANY workshop.


brianne said...

I am none of the above. I've actually always been the person that watches everyone else live their amazing lives. I am never the first one to speak out, especially when surrounded by new people. I was the kid who was always frightened and intimidated by authority figures to the point that I never took risks. Now that I'm almost thirty it would be nice to have the chance to and learn more about film photography to give the quiet girl more confidence in what I like to do...take photos.

Anonymous said...

I am none of the above. I've actually always been the person that watches everyone else live their amazing lives. I am never the first one to speak out, especially when surrounded by new people. I was the kid who was always frightened and intimidated by authority figures to the point that I never took risks. Now that I'm almost thirty it would be nice to have the chance to and learn more about film photography to give the quiet girl more confidence in what I like to do...take photos.

Carolina Wahnish Rivera said...

Damn why'd you have to make this an essay question!.. ok here goes: film if where photography started, and in the digital age it's so easy to get caught up in "faster", "cheaper", "easier"... you keep it real, and I'd love to learn from someone that keeps his photography honest.. thanks for considering me :)

jessica g. said...

I want to capture everything that's there with film because it's literally an imprint of a moment on a negative! So people can go back and really see and experience it the way it was and maybe even see what they never noticed before! To document beautiful their history!

papillon said...

Saw you at WPPI. Bought FIND. Been inspired ever since. Wanna be better and to be better I need to learn from great teachers. Which you are. So this isn't very profound, but it's the truth. Plus I can make da bomb chicken adobo for an after-class dinner :-)

brianne said...

I am none of the above. I've actually always been the person that watches everyone else live their amazing lives. I am never the first one to speak out, especially when surrounded by new people. I was the kid who was always frightened and intimidated by authority figures to the point that I never took risks. Now that I'm almost thirty it would be nice to have the chance to and learn more about film photography to give the quiet girl more confidence in what I like to do...take photos.

Anonymous said...

Hello fellow Libra and happy birthday.

I deserve this scholarship (and NEED it) because:

In January, I'll be giving birth to my first child. In June, my husband will be moving to Michigan to start medical school, at the age of 36. (Amazing he is!) In July, I (and the babe) will follow.

After 12 years of living in the Bay Area and building my business from scratch, I'll be starting over in a place that is quite different from here: the economy, the tastes, the styles. It's going to be quite an adjustment.
So, I'll be a new mom and the wife a medical student and I'll be supporting our little family for quite some time on my wedding and portrait business. That said, I need some help. I need to grow as an artist and a businesswoman and I think that your workshop will help me immensely.


brianne said...

sorry for the repost, I wasn't sure it went through with the adamsrice account.

J-Anderson Photography said...

I drove 6400 miles last march for no reason. I've attended four universities and still have no degree. I quit my job to be a photographer while having a not established business... oops. One of the few consistencies in my life is that I love photography and film. Happy Birthday!

jesse ryan said...

Rebellion is such a powerful word. With so many negative meanings associated with being a rebel I think it's awesome to see how many positive things have come out of rebellion. Our culture is selfish... Our culture is lazy... Our culture is conformist. With my photography I try to break out of our culture... Not with just the photos but also in the way I live my life... Rebelling against drowning in a sea of pleasing yourself. We should all find a way to give back... To make a difference in other lives - with our photography or the money we make from it. I'd love to improve my skill and myself as a person!

new said...

Click - the sound of the spring loaded shutter release in my vintage Honeywell Pentax 35mm. Nothing is more pleasing than feeling that release, the ping, feeling the advancing film, knowing that I've physically altered a frame of film. Shooting with film takes thought, patience and self-control. I'm not a rebel, a misfit nor a crazy one, but - film just feels good.

new said...

Click - the sound of the spring loaded shutter release in my vintage Honeywell Pentax 35mm. Nothing is more pleasing than feeling that release, the ping, feeling the advancing film, knowing that I've physically altered a frame of film. Shooting with film takes thought, patience and self-control. I'm not a rebel, a misfit nor a crazy one, but - film just feels good.

DAREN said...

The slogan for my business as a sound engineer is "addicted to creativity". I love the technical aspects of creating something, whether it be a soundtrack, a film, or a photograph. Art is a language that I'd love to be fluent in, and would love to learn from you.

Thanks for the opportunity, and happy birthday!

SMFphotography said...

Trouble maker? Ask disneyland security about my disregard for their allowances for lens focal length…. Twice. With the description being "trouble makers who shoot film" of the attendees, this misfit can't be any place else. photography is painting with light; film is my paint; life and love is my masterpiece.

Alex Steele said...

I'm just a student trying to figure it all out. The man who changed the world forever died yesterday, and I feel like life is so short. And if I don't take a chance right now to learn something (for free!) from someone I admire, I will always regret it. I'm not a rebel or a troublemaker, but I like you and I love film.

James Bibow said...

9 days ago I was Digital. 9 days ago I read your blog. 8 days ago, I returned to film. 7 days ago I captured a soul across a film plane. 6 days ago, a soul smiled through developer. Today I am Film. Today, I’m not dead. Today I’m alive.

Kara Elmore said...

I’m the one who ignores the rules “they’ve” made in photography, and shoots for extreme feelings. I don’t want to fit it. I don’t want to just collect a paycheck. I want to be known and seen with my prints. I want people to feel ME because they FEEL my photography. Because everyone one else does digital – I want to do film. Because everyone else plays by the rules – I want to break them all. Because everyone else does it for their neighbor – I want to do it for history.

Kara Elmore

Cameron Gardner said...

I want:

To be there

To Learn From you firsthand

To travel

To get a jump in Wedding Photography

To get better with film

To slow down

To meet new people

To enjoy it

To embrace it

To take it to the next level

To follow my passion

The Experience

Elisabeth Kristine said...

I'm alive! Tomorrow I turn twenty, almost a year ago I was diagnosed with cancer, and have been fighting it ever since. But rather than giving up, I've dedicated my life to thriving and striving to excel. I've dedicated my time in chemo to studying photography and learning film.

James Bibow said...

9 days ago I was Digital. 9 days ago I read your blog. 8 days ago, I returned to film. 7 days ago I captured a soul across a film plane. 6 days ago, a soul smiled through developer. Today I am Film. Today, I’m not dead. Today I’m alive.

Jared Jacobus said...

I purchased theFINDguide a month ago shooting a destination wedding. During that time away from home I realized my calling isn't in photography. I have since found a new industry to serve in. I will eventually only be using my photography to impact people in a positive way. ImNOTquiteSUREyetHOW, butIpromiseTHATanythingYOUteachMEwillBEforTHEbenefitOFothers.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to you! I see our b-days are one day apart! Tomorrow I turn 40, a wife, mom to six kids age 12 and under. I run my business and my family! I would love to return to shooting film! Dream big! Cheers! More misfit...

creatively kym said...

i'm a goal setter. #1 on my list of goals for 2012: the charleston workshop. everyday i strive to be better than i was the day before (it's even tattooed on my arm to remind me), to my family, in life, love, and my business. plus, you rock.

McKenzi said...

I’m a crazy one! I was living in Washington DC and gave up graduate school at Columbia to become a photographer. It seemed crazy and irresponsible, but the best decision I ever made!

I love film and want to learn from you!

(Just ask your sister in law Christine Covey!)

Elisabeth Kristine said...

I'm alive! Tomorrow I turn twenty, almost a year ago I was diagnosed with cancer, and have been fighting it ever since. But rather than giving up, I've dedicated my life to thriving and striving to excel. I've dedicated my time in chemo to studying photography and learning film.

Elisabeth Kristine said...

I'm alive! Tomorrow I turn twenty, almost a year ago I was diagnosed with cancer, and have been fighting it ever since. But rather than giving up, I've dedicated my life to thriving and striving to excel. I've dedicated my time in chemo to studying photography and learning film.

Alex Steele said...

i forgot three things:
1. happy birthday!
2. i am hoping for the orem spot, but I would go anywhere.
3. thank you. this is really nice of you.

Emily Grace said...

I'm a misfit due to beaming down in the wrong decade. Should have been a few earlier. I haven't recovered - actually have finally stopped trying. Then there's being a 20-something farmer. Yeah. I think FIND may be my only chance to fit in. ;o)

Lindsay Wynne said...

I'm a rebel. I started shooting film while everyone else was shooting digital. I left a real estate career to pursue a photography career & now I get to do something I love & I get to explore my craft every day, in film & digital.

Adam Fischer said...

Fumbling through rolls of film, trying to carry 3 huge cameras. I was standing about 15 ft. from a wild elephant on a safari in Ghana, my friend had a quiet little digital, I was making all kinds of noise with mine. Using film, really makes me an oddball sometimes.
-Adam Fischer

Anonymous said...

I love how film looks. I've always wanted to learn about film. Being a broke college student its hard to afford amazing workshops like yours or film to do self experimentation. Help me hone my true vision.

Roshel said...


Jana Morgan said...

Happy Birthday, Jonathan! I am more of a wild child than a misfit or rebel. I have an undying love for film photography's craft and variety of camera/film options. I would love the opportunity to attend a FIND Workshop for the value of learning directly with you and like-minded film photographers.

Ellie Cutler said...

I'm a girl who is trying to decide what I want to do with my photography. I am fascinated by film and want so much to figure out exactly what I can do with it. I am working on finding "my style" in the world of photography and the look of film is just something that cannot be imitated by photoshop. I love that. I love my digital but I'm starting to think I would adore film. So...I would categorize myself as a misfit since all those around me think I'm insane for wanting to go "backwards" in this crazy digital world.

Roshel said...

50 words on the dot, phew. wut wut. Happy Birthday Jonathan!

Lesley said...

Because I didn't just jump on the bandwagon, I've been a loyal fan of your work since you shot my wedding in 2004. I'm afraid I don't have what it takes to shoot film, but the troublemaker in me says its time to jump off a cliff.

Happy Birthday!

desperate housediva said...

Entrenched in an opera career in NYC, I met my love and discovered true passion. I left the glamour of New York to follow my heart to the rolling hills of Ohio and build a rebel artist's world with my husband and my camera amidst the Amish and the cornfields.

Julie Freeman said...

I am currently not taking clients and trying to find myself. I have not put the camera down but I felt like I needed to be me and shoot for me and not for what other people want. I have thought a lot about film. I have watched you, Yan, Jose Villa and others and love the quality, the realness, the beauty in film. I wondered the other day if that is what I'm missing. Yan changed my life when I did a mentorship with her and seeing how you have inspired her I would love to see where this journey takes me. I wonder, just wonder where I'm heading...

Beryl said...

I am a mom to two girls. Our first, died during pregnancy. My camera taught how to heal. Now I teach baby loss moms how to creatively capture their own emotion in a photograph. I am looking to reconnect with my own creativity to continue feeding the souls of others.

Jeanine Linder said...

I was just the ordinary someone, then photography made me a rebel. I started my own photography business only two months after I got my first DSRL, I never loved learning as much as with anything photography related and my heart just knows that Film is my destination.

Shar M. said...


The craziest thing I did was think that Japanese would be easy. It’s consumed me and I now find myself in my second year living abroad in Japan, where film is surprisingly accessible, but fear of its difficulty is keeping me away. Inspire me; teach me not to fear it.

Jessica Lee said...

I am a nurse working in Pediatrics and am in the process of starting my own photography business. I have seen families at the worst times in their lives. My experience as a nurse spurs my passion for capturing precious moments in time. Attendance at this event would mean the world to me, as to further improve my photography skills.

Adam Sitcoscy said...

I've been in university for 10 years. I've changed majors 6 times. This is getting old. Only thing constant: photography. Regardless of when I graduate and what major I choose, my love for photography won't change. Even if my mom is pissed I'm still in school.

Anonymous said...

I may not be a troublemaker but I do love to do things differently. I want to FIND my path in photography so I can stop following the herd and start making my own path, to obtain the knowledge necessary to build my brand and business so that I can start doing more of the things I love and be able to spend more time with those people in my life that I love the most...my wife and daughter.

TracieWilliams said...

I would have to say, I am the misfit. Among my peers, & my family who look at me strangely sometimes when I talk about my passion for photography. Nothing confirmed this better then when I pulled out my film SLR to go do the Vancouver 12x12 photo marathon and a fellow digital photographer said to me, "why would you want to do that when you can do the same thing in photoshop?" "Because, I said, there is nothing better than the challenge to see, before you can see it....

toni said...

So the craziest thing I've done lately is borrow $3,000 from my ex husband to set myself up with film gear. There'll be unspoken 'conditions' attached to this but damn my soul yearns to shoot film. I need this FIND scholarship otherwise I'll drive you CRAZY with relentless Formspring questions.

Jennifer said...

I am looking to change my ways... Learn something new... I want to stand out amongst those that are growing around me.... I want to be a leader. Knowledge is power. Learning film would give me a new challenge to embrace.

Jennifer Buehrer

Stacey Sutherland said...

Happy Birthday!!!!

The click of the shutter and the sound of the winder on my RZ as I depress the cable release button makes my heart stop and sing a little. The smell of film is the same as the smell of fresh cut grass early in the morning. The joy the images and the memories bring the brides and families or anyone seeing them makes me crazy happy, what you bring to their memories that didn’t even exist before is magical… I am so happy to be back shooting film. I love it!

I’m good at it, I know it. I could be better I will always strive for better. In considering taking workshops to improve my skills and join an awesome community of talented artist FIND is THE workshop that I think about at some point weekly that I would ever consider taking. It would be an amazing opportunity to learn up close and in person, more from you.

On being a misfit or a rebel, I don’t know, I’m an artist and I think that qualifies as one and the same. I am lucky to be from a family that values the artist….err rebel and that allows me to be me, As for how the rest of how the world sees it or my extended family well, I will continue to show them change, beauty, knowledge and understanding one frame at a time and we’ll see.

Thanks for the opportunity Jonathan and all the knowledge and inspiration that you’ve already given.


Anonymous said...

haha... way too many crazy/stupid things to list. but you know what? I CAN'T GET ENOUGH of it! i love life and i love freedom. and having camera in hand, for some reason, makes it ok to be crazy :)

Betsy C said...

Happiness is playing the drum in your own school band.
And happiness is walking hand in hand.
Happiness is two kinds of ice cream.
 Pizza with sausage.
Climbing a tree.
Happiness is five different crayons.
Catching a firefly.
Setting him free.
Happiness is also attending the FIND workshop. I'll offer my gratitude in the form of guacamole, sweet potato fries or vegan cornbread.

Betsy C said...

Happiness is playing the drum in your own school band.
And happiness is walking hand in hand.
Happiness is two kinds of ice cream.Pizza with sausage.
Climbing a tree.
Happiness is five different crayons.
Catching a firefly.
Setting him free.
Happiness is also attending the FIND workshop. I Will offer my gratitude in the form of guacamole, sweet potato fries or vegan cornbread.

Jared Rey said...

My wife and I both quit our full-time jobs to pursue our dreams. We want careers that can influence and change the lives of those around us. My goal is to continue to learn from the great minds around me in order to make a difference to those I encounter.

R said...

I am a 19 year old girl. And I honestly believe I can change the world, with love, art, and selflessness in my business.
I have always worked harder, dreamed bigger, and loved people more than most.
I'm young and I have more confidence and faith in myself than most people.
I belong in a workshop with like-minded people.

Thank you so much Jonathan. I hope you're having a beautiful birthday!

cherie said...

My heart skipped a beat when I read this. I was this close to registering for FIND last year. But...I didn't because I was afraid. Afraid to believe in myself. I am not afraid anymore. I'm ready to believe. Will you believe in me too?

anna pocaro said...

love of photography began young with my mom's nikomat and darkroom access, in love! hours spent witnessing and creating images... feel safe! gaining the confidence needed to work professionally, not easy! now blessed with a family. i need to get back to where i left off!

36 year old mommy... anna pocaro

Amanda said...

I was always the "artsy/creative" kid growing up.

Then I went to a digital photography school that jammed all the technical crap down my throat and even though I graduated by passing in assignments that I wasn’t even into but were “technically” right, I just I felt like I lost my creative side. I went into school loving photography and shooting everything just because it was fun and I loved it. I came out of there feeling like the only reason to even take pictures is to try to make money off them.
Then I got a medium format camera and photography just felt fun again, the more rolls I shoot the more I feel like my old self again.

Sorry I went over the word limit and I hope you’re having a kick-ass birthday!

carm said...

I purchased the FIIND guide earlier this year. After reading it I sold my digital camera, it was the best business move I've ever made! My photos look better, I'm getting more work AND I get to spend more time with my kids! I've learned tons this year BUT I'd love to learn even more by attending one of you workshops!

Comfort Studio said...

I spent $120,000 on art school and all I got was this lousy artist statement. 

Comfort Studio said...

I spent $120,000 on art school and all I got was this lousy artist statement. 

Chloe Ramirez said...

I did a little happy dance when I saw you were giving away some spots to your workshop (glad no one saw me dancing ,it was scary.) I am a Wedding photographer in Seattle Wa. I currently shoot Digital but am dying to start shooting film as well. I want to take your workshop... bad. Definitely want to push myself creatively and to find my voice as a artist. What a cool opportunity. Happy Birthday :)

Comfort Studio said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dwan70 said...

I will admit to running with the misfits, the hours I work, the wine I drink, the single parent thing, but its all good. Nothing cheers me up like a good shot from my camera and finding a delicious vintage.

Unknown said...

I will graduate with a BFA from MississippiStateUniversity in December. I'd stay in school forever if possible because I love learning that much. I'd be fortunate for the opportunity to continue learning outside of school with you and a group of awesome folks. It's all about perspective, really. And love.

Unknown said...

I will graduate with a BFA from MississippiStateUniversity in December. I'd stay in school forever if possible because I love learning that much. I'd be fortunate for the opportunity to continue learning outside of school with you and a group of awesome folks. It's all about perspective, really. And love.

kirsten said...

I want to take advantage of all this world has to offer. I have one beautiful life to live and I intend to live it to it's fullest. I feel that creativity is maximized when we live for the moment. I would be thrilled to attend one of your workshops.

Cheri said...

Happy birthday to start! My 37th is coming up in a little under 3 weeks.
I am a quiet rebel. I protest from within constantly and when I am all alone in my car I protest at the top of my lungs (as long as all of the windows are up). I am an artist as well. I see beauty in everything and try to capture and preserve and sometimes recreate it in every medium I can possibly find. Recently I discovered film photography and all of the challenges and joys it brings and I am in love! I started out with a holga and now i have a couple of the old school Pentax k100s and I am having a blast but I want to know more. Vancouver is the place for me!

Jessica Ramsey Photography said...

Since being diagnosed with a disorder this year, I can no longer do everything that I used to do. I need a simpler workflow. I need a change. I think that change is film and I've decided I'm okay with people thinking I'm crazy for switching.

Dmitriy said...

Happy Birthday and greetings from Happy Birthday and greetings from Chicago!

I would love a scholarship to FILM IS NOT DEAD and a chance to meet you in person. Would it be crazy to admit that I probably don’t deserve it more than everyone else? Or is it crazier to feel entitled? I do not.

Robert said...

1st, Happy Birthday, and 2nd thank you for a chance to go to FILM IS NOT DEAD. My Name is Robert, and I will be turning 23 in November and Graduating Undergrad in December. I love to take portraits of people especially seniors. Have a great evening.

connie said...

I didn't want to tell anyone.. but you've forced my hand, Chocolate Canlas:

My nights involve fighting crime and lots of spandex.

I kid. I have no sob story for you. I'm a very ordinary 'burb-living Asian-American (though I don't play an instrument, for shame).

I believe everyone should have a cat, greet strangers on the street and serve the ones you love and even those you don't love.

I believe humility makes fruit grow abundantly in the soul of an artist.

(Signing out at a rebellious 69 words.)

Melizza Andrea said...

I go to BYU Provo. I say no to dates asked through texts. I wear my zebra Snuggie around campus. I have my hair dyed at random parts. I know my Savior lives. I am loud and Latina. Film > digital. I am no Molly Mormon or hipster. I am just me.

Jessica said...

I discovered photography in the 90s working with film, but it's been years since I've touched my Minolta. I'm a wedding and portrait photographer now. I would love to incorporate film into my work, but I just don't really know where to start. I would love to come one of your workshops!

Anonymous said...

I am a 53 year old mother of teenage daughters. I'm a rebel trying to get this business going at this age. I shot film for years and am sad to now only be doing digital and iPhone work. I miss film!!

connie said...

Also, I just realized what I wrote. I meant nothing by using that number specifically I swear!

This would happen to me.

Anonymous said...

I'm 36 too. Curious kid. Rebellious teen. Odd woman out in the "out" crowd, too. It all sticks with me as I mature. Still carrying a camera, just like then. Still on the outside looking in. I like to drive fast with the windows down on long, winding country roads. I like to ride alone and let my horse out and fly. My path is never foretold.

Scuba said...

Tomorrow is my 27th birthday. After going to school for history, then muscular therapy, I've finally found my passion in photography. And THEN I found film. I can't get enough of it, and I want to be the best. This would be the best birthday present ever!!

yes pictures said...

I. shoot. 20x24.

Trish Strobehn Photography said...

because its not my birthday and im nice :)

Trish Strobehn Photography said...

because its not my birthday and im nice :)

Anonymous said...

If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space.
95% probability I can burp better than anyone else attending, and 80% probability I can burp better than you. ;-P

Peter Ntamark said...

AT 43,I am a late bloomer.A lot of goals and dreams have come and gone. The dream to learn and master film photography is one I never saw coming in my life. for once in my life, I am determined to see it through until the end..

Gootyeriz said...

I need to fully reveal the creative monster inside of me. He has partially shown himself, but he trying to rip his way out. I can’t concentrate on my college work. He is flooding my thoughts with photo taking. I can’t eat. I can’t sleep. I can’t play the accordion.


I’m no rebel. But if following my heart in investing in film photography means I have defied the status quo and become a misfit, so be it. It definitely does feel that way, but I do not care how I’m labeled; I care about doing what I love and how my actions can inspire/influence others for the better. Photography inspires me tremendously and the colours and quality of film clicked with my vision immediately. I desire to create such quality of images so badly! I want to hone my craft and I believe FIND Vancouver can steer me in the right direction.

Thank you Jonathan. Happy Birthday!


I’m no rebel. But if following my heart in investing in film photography means I have defied the status quo and become a misfit, so be it. It definitely does feel that way, but I do not care how I’m labeled; I care about doing what I love and how my actions can inspire/influence others for the better. Photography inspires me tremendously and the colours and quality of film clicked with my vision immediately. I desire to create such quality of images so badly! I want to hone my craft and I believe FIND Vancouver can steer me in the right direction.

Thank you Jonathan. Happy Birthday!

Phenomphotographers said...

Growing up in the hood, having a photographer dad and walking around with a camera isn’t exactly cool. There are two things your suppose to do… rap or play ball, not be a photographer. So I chose the latter, but photography stayed with me no matter what. I always felt something was missing when I wasn’t shooting. Through all the ridicule and laughs to and behind my back. Some things you just know your suppose to do…. this is it for me.

0 said...

i simply feel like there are better things to do in life than comment on people's blogs.

Lary Family said...

The video was a reminder to stay true to myself always. Follow your phojo. Mine is leading me to film. Film captures what my mind sees. I have a lot to learn in order for film photography to take on the simple beauty it truly is.

Kathleen Frank said...

I work hard; I work smart; I define my own success; I change the rules; I am a visionary; and I never, ever waste an opportunity to learn. Put me to the test in Atlanta. Be part of my film journey and my story.

Anonymous said...

i am SO a rebel...a real troublemaker... i publicly campaigned against my father when he ran for office last year because he was using us to further his campaign...he lost as a result of my opposition... THAT deserves trouble-maker recognition = a spot at FIND!!!

Pilar said...

you educate me every time i read your formspring (via twit) answers. if i can get that much out of twitter i can't imagine the knowledge you drop in a workshop.

i want to shoot film.

Bladh photography said...

I am April, I love people. I am a happy person. I am unique. I am a mother. I am a business woman. I am a photographer. I am not perfect. I am creative. I LOVE LIFE! I am me!

Deb said...

I would love to go back to my roots in film. Over the past few years, we have lost our motivation for shooting because of extensive editing. We are planning a move from Digital to Film. I would be overwhelmingly excited to learn about film from the best!

Unknown said...

I was born on Krypton I live near Charleston S.C. now my dad Joe-El taught me a lot but he didn't teach me how to shoot film. He said when you get to earth find Joanthan Canlas he will teach you what you need to know.

Ishplants said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
B Street Photo said...

You should choose me because I found this today:


And it made me laugh so hard I cried & couldn't breathe for like 5 minutes straight.

Josh said...

I have never fit into any group most of my life. I never fit the mold of the normal work force etc. Photography is the force that pulls things out of me and makes me feel like there is more. I am a father and never want my kids to feel like they have to settle for normal!

ATL would be a blast!

Tyjuana said...

I'm the crazy one! I the crazy one that thinks I can prove my nay sayers wrong. I'm the crazy one that thinks I have a chance. I'm the crazy one that will go against the grain. I'm the crazy one that thinks my passion for photography pushes me beyond my limits. I'm the crazy one that thinks I'm going to win one of the spots you're giving away.

leila brewster photography said...

i just do what i love and i am hungry to be better. i want to give loved ones and those in love a little piece of my heart. also, i have impeccable airport skills and am game for any spot you have open :) thank you for the opportunity.

leila brewster photography said...

I just do what I love and I am hungry to be better. I want to give loved ones and those in love a little piece of my heart. Also, I have impeccable airport skills and am game for any spot you have open :). Thank you for the opportunity.

leila brewster photography said...

I just do what I love and I am hungry to be better. I want to give loved ones and those in love a little piece of my heart. Also, I have impeccable airport skills and am game for any spot you have open :). Thank you for the opportunity.

luis toledo : photographer said...

I try to make photos that are honest, intimate and telling. Film is real, I want to learn how to make it work for me. My last e-session was shot in a supermarket, behind a bar and in the couple's living room. I shoot real people, apparently that's crazy.

luis toledo : photographer said...

I try to make photos that are honest, intimate and telling. Film is real, I want to learn how to make it work for me. My last e-session was shot in a supermarket, behind a bar and in the couple's living room. I shoot real people, apparently that's crazy.

I am me said...

I am the crazy, rebel, misfit and trouble maker all in one. I see the world as I want. Wanting to unlock the insecurity of just letting loose. I love the smell of the chemistry that is used to process film and prints. I am me.

wackjob said...

I used to be crazy fosure (ha! one word!) a misfit, slightly rebellious and definitely a troublemaker. Since getting married and settling down I've lost a lot of my mojo. My recent foray into film has lit a fire under my bottom. Deserve a spot? Nah. Want one? Hell yeah!!

Tomasz Wagner said...

Film is old technology, digital is where it's at! That is unless you can prove me wrong!

"Jonas said i was awesome, you should be dying to teach me" True story, but seriously we have weed here!

Happy Birthday Jonathan! Vancouver is my home, I can show you around

B Street Photo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
laura said...

I've shot film for years as well as digital. I do alternative processes and own too many cameras to count. But there is always more to learn and I am thirsty.

B Street Photo said...

You should choose me because I found this today:


And it made me laugh so hard I cried & couldn't breathe for like 5 minutes straight.

B Street Photo said...

You should choose me because I found this today:


And it made me laugh so hard I cried & couldn't breathe for like 5 minutes straight.

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

i want to meet you. i want to work with film. i want to be inspired. i want to inspire. i want to capture life. i want to make my own dent in the universe. i want it to be less about me + more about others.

(ps...happy, happy birthday!!!)

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

i want to meet you. i want to work with film. i want to be inspired. i want to inspire. i want to capture life. i want to make my own dent in the universe. i want it to be less about me + more about others.

(ps...happy, happy birthday!!!)

joy said...

At age 10 I tried to develop a cure for AIDS using household cleaners...

At 17 I wore outfits out of shower curtains a'la' Gaga and face tattoos drawn with paint to communicate my mood...

At 25 I "wasted" my MBA and took on photography full time...www.joycherie.com.

joy said...

At age 10 I tried to develop a cure for AIDS using household cleaners...

At 17 I wore outfits out of shower curtains a'la' Gaga and face tattoos drawn with paint to communicate my mood...

At 25 I "wasted" my MBA and took on photography full time...www.joycherie.com.

ajayfay said...

I left the military after fighting with Uncle same to shoot the way I wanted. To cover a story how I saw fit. As soon as I got out, I shot what I wanted, the way I wanted. No more of these rules; thirds, shoot it sharp at 16... Rebel

ajayfay said...

I left the military after fighting with Uncle same to shoot the way I wanted. To cover a story how I saw fit. As soon as I got out, I shot what I wanted, the way I wanted. No more of these rules; thirds, shoot it sharp at 16... Rebel

Bridget Picard said...

Can I let you in on a little secret? I recently began a love affair with film... and I mean head over heels crazy in love! I literally lost all interest in the digital medium. I went out on a limb and sold the highly coveted 5d mark ii, hit the rewind button and scored a sweet deal on a Mamiya 645. Now many would call me crazy based upon that decision alone, but this humble by comparison camera makes my hear soar! How amazing would it be to abandon my tiny cubicle (even only if for a few days), hop on a plane and leave my comfort zone behind? A chance to develop my passion, feed my soul and "find" myself? Let me tell you, it would be life changing!

P.S. I really hope I'm not disqualified for not following the rules, but I felt the need to share with you my 50+ story.

P.P.S. I've been wanting to go to Boston forever, perfect excuse... right?

Jonathan Stead said...

The only way I could afford Carl Zeiss Glass was by getting a broken £120.00 Penatcon Six. The only way I get film is spending every penny I earn, a roll at a time.

Miss B. said...

I am a photographer that is legally blind. I got my first manual camera when I was 38 years old, the first day I took it out I felt like I had a new set of eyes. My vision had never been more clear, I see everything now. I am dedicated to learning my craft and exploring all its possibilities and would love to take your workshop.

Happy Birthday!

Rob Grey said...

I kick dust into the face of unemployment by giving up the convenience and low marginal cost of digital photography: By being more methodical. By taking my time. By enjoying it more. By investing in myself. I could fail horribly. The satisfaction may well be worth it.

dontsmilenow.com said...

The word that was used to describe me is Irreverent - "Showing lack of respect for people or things that are generally taken seriously" That's a little bit harsh in describing me, but it's kinda true... And my hassie is begging to see the light of day, and the dark room!

Stephanie said...

I found an old yearbook recently. We were taught to dream big. Believe in the impossible.

My 'big dream' was to have a life that wasn't grey.

But I didn't keep that promise.

I'm starting to now. With film.

It's scary. But it doesn't matter. Life is now full colour.

K-10 said...

For the Boston spot...I just got discharged after 8 years in the military, and two wars. I never fit in there. I was an artist, not a fighter, but I did my duty. Now, I want to do something for the art. I want to learn, I want to create, and I want to be different. I can't be just another digital shooter in the sea of sameness.

K-10 said...

Just discharged from the military. 8 years, two wars, never fit in. Was an artist, not a fighter, but did my duty. Now I want to lean, I want to create, I want to thrive. Can't be just another digital shooter in a sea of sameness. Want to learn in Boston!

Unknown said...

Schlepping the FIND guide through Milano, Venice and Verona. Shooting film in Berlin, Hamburg and Brighton.

Your FIND guide made me expose 500+ rolls of film in the last year :-) .

Yes, I am crazy about shooting film, using color filters for bw, testing different developers and improving my scanning. But best - crazy to travel and shoot even more film.

Now it's time to get to know you to make the circle complete. It would make 2012 the perfect analog year for me!

kay* said...

Simply put, film rocks - and I want to learn how to translate what I envision in my head onto it. It being film. Who better to learn from than the master?

Alicia Swedenborg said...

I'm a strawberry-holic, travel-oholic, sun-oholic film photography lover. A short country girl who loves heels and 24/7 open restaurants. I luuuuv hugs. To hug, to be hugged. I’ll hug just about anyone, so watch out! I’m sweet, I’m a Swede. I’m Alicia Swedenborg. (who will fly over the pond to any of the cities!) :)

Jez said...

Tell me and I'll forget, Show me and I might remember, Involve me and I'll understand.

Just 16 words which mean there is no need for the other 34.

mrs. barlow said...

analog gives me hope for a better world.
the darkroom makes my heart skip a couple beats.
diana & holga are pretty much my coolest friends.
i knew you at UVU once in a blue moon.
i really need a FIND workshop in my life.
i am glad you were born.
thank you.

Ben and Kristy Carlson said...

I up and moved my family, including my two small babies, to Burundi (central Africa) in pursuit of a big dream. We are here trying to change things, by living out a different life. Give a girl a break from the gunfire, and the power cuts... an excuse to come home and refresh my soul while learning the beauty of film. I know I will walk away better for it.

Anna said...

For my husband to go to Chicago...

Brandon left home at 13 according to his mom. Not literally, it’s just a metaphor for Brandon’s soul. His creativity and vision “doesn’t stay at home” even as the most devoted father and husband. Teach him what you know and he won’t be kept within the bounds of this world.

P.S. Happy birthday and thanks.

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