He totally does not look like this anymore (above). He's home, he's healthy, and super, super cute (below). And no more tubes coming out of his face etc nor being fed by tubes. He's totally eating gross baby food peas (and loving it) and now has 4 teeth. Thank you all and everyone who offered prayers/thoughts/good vibes. We can't thank you enough. He'll be having his open heart surgery in the next month or so. And we are absolutely relishing every moment we have now with him, and his unscarred chest. I freaking love my Westy...

Techy info, this was shot on a Contax 645 w/an 80mm f/2 lens @ f/2. The bw images were shot on Fuji Neopan 400CN which is a color neg film (only available in the UK - THANKS POLLY!!!). The color was 800Z (RIP) with a +2 filter on the front of the lens.
yay! congrats baby weston!
Hoooooooray! So happy he's home with you.
So glad to hear that he is home and doing well and we will continue to pray for the surgery coming up.
So happy he is strong and healthy!!
LOVVVVE your work!!!
he is a dawl...oh he. is. a. dawl.
I'm so glad it's over too. He is such a beautiful little boy...and seems to be smiling in every picture I see. An angel.
SO glad he is home and doing better.
oh my gosh he's so adorable i just want to pinch his cheeks! glad he is home & doing better.
Awesome! He is SO handsome. :)
What a cutie - I think everyone who reads your blog freaking loves him!
So very glad to see your little one is home with you all again. We'll keep him in our prayers for the upcoming surgery.
P.S. Your son is so darling.
800Z is no longer being produced? F!
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