March 15, 2010

Lusilia Lou Johnson's Birth Story

Sharon came to my workshop in Park City last Oct. where she was pregnant with this little one. Her water broke. I ended up getting up to Odgen around 11:30pm and came home the next day @ 11am. This was the first all natural birth I've ever seen and I must say, Sharon is one of the strongest people I know. It was really, really amazing to witness this baby be born. Thank you Sharon and Kerry for letting me document such an important part in your lives. If you are thinking about having someone take photos at your birth, me or anyone, I can not recommend this enough. I know a lot of people might think I'm crazy, but when it is all said and done, these photos are PRICELESS and will mean the world to you as they start to get older. If you are interested in having me shoot your birth, drop me a line @ jonathan{at}jonathancanlasphotography{dot}com You can view the whole event and order prints HERE. UPDATED TECHY INFO: this was all shot on Kodak BW400CN on a Nikon F5 with a 50mm 1.4, Sigma 20mm 1.8, and 85mm 1.4.


Melissa said...

I couldn't agree more. I hired someone to photography my second daughter's birth. BEST.DECISION.EVER.

Brandon said...

I love these!

Emilie said...

This is amazing!!!

Scooter Pooter Luters said...

These are so sweet! I almost cried. I think this is a great idea, and one day when I have kids I will definitely be hiring a photographer!

Anonymous said...

I'm 35+ week pregnant with baby #1, so of course I cried! I don't know what I'm having, so it will be a double whammy. I've got some 1600 neopan in my hospital bag, but I have a feeling I won't be shooting as much as I'd like. This is really something.

elise lauren photography said...

i probably wouldn't trust anyone but you at my birth. (not pregnant, but when i am, givin ya a call!)

Jen and her men said...

your birth stories are my favorite. so priceless!!

sherry said...

Amazing! What film was used?

Bri {collected} said...

Yep, still kicking myself in the pants...

Sarah said...

gorgeous! i've always wondered though, how does the hosptial staff typically feel and react towards having an extra man around with a camera in hand??

Leslie said...

So beautiful. and hard to look at when you've been through it. hits too close to home.

Adhis said...

OMG. We're going for natural this time around since the last labor and delivery was so fast and easy.

What am I thinking???

Flora A. said...

sign me up for a session two years from now!

Emma Biskupski said...

these tell a wonderful story - lucky family choosing you to document this.


i wish i lived in utah!

Gemma Troy said...

wow, Your birth photography blows me away!

Jonathan Canlas said...

thanks everybody for the kind words.

and esther, maybe I should change it from "have wedding, will travel" to :

have baby, will travel


Craig C. said...

Wow. Amazing... seriously amazing. Thanks for posting.

Matthew Wardle said...

Lovely stuff.. again! I hope I can get you to the UK for our next baby!
How cool would that be :)

Emily said...

Sharon! These are so beautiful! I wish I had thought to do this (she had her baby the day after mine). I am so impressed with how these turned out. Priceless indeed.

Debby said...

i delivered my youngest brother when i was 9. i promised myself that i would document mine when the time came. it is the most amazing experience in the world. This is a GREAT post.

Adhis said...

Just wanted to shout out a "HOLY CRAP?!?" to Debby's delivery comment.

Riccis Valladares Photography said...


These are wonderful and I'm sure will be forever cherished. This is documentary photography at its best.

Thanks for sharing!


Abby and Brenda said...

Wow, these are so, so, so amazing! They really tell the whole story so beautifully.

Anonymous said...

Intense man. Awesome work.

Jessica B Photography said...

Fabulous, Jonathan! I had a friend send me a link to this post. It is so fun to see other people doing birth photography. I am trying to get the word out her in Las Vegas, but some people still look at me like I am crazy - until they see the photos and how amaing it is to have this event documented! Kudos to you for being a guy wanting to document births!! My own birth (fourth kid, homebirth) will be photographed with in the next 3 to 4 weeks and hopefully posted on my own blog shortly there after.

Tyler and Kendyl said...

Birth stories are some of my very favorite images. Every one you have done is amazing!