I'll be doing my platform presentation today @ WPPI titled "I'm not just a wedding photographer". Actually, I wanted to call it "I'm not a wedding photographer" but I don't think anyone would come since well, WPPI is the largest wedding photographer convention in the world :).
There are going to be some CRAZY give-aways at the platform presentation. So be there or be square.
Film from FujiFilm, $xxx gift card to B&H photo from Instaproofs, , and 2 spots to the upcoming Film is Not Dead workshop(s) in San Diego and Park City. Oh, and rumor has it everyone who comes gets a Film is Not Dead t-shirt.
Be there early. The music will blow your mind.
I hate I can't be there. I'm totally bummed. I'd love to buy a FIND t-shirt if there are any left. I know it will be a great presentation.
I wish I could have been there! Good luck.
It was a Kickawesome class! Thanks for the inspiration...you made me bawl like a baby!! And Ya!! I won the b&h gift card!
It was a Kickawesome class! Thanks for the inspiration...you made me bawl like a baby!!
And Ya!! I won the b&h gift card! Thanks!!! I'll email you about it later!
I WON AN INSTAX!!!!! Thank you so much Jonathan you rock...no doubt you were my favorite class.
many blessings to you and your family
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