November 9, 2009

SLC International Airport - A week ago today - Fuji FP-100B

Last week on Monday I went up to SLC to go catch a flight to DFW. Only to turn back around and fly right back as our son had a little visit to Primary Children's Hospital with a case of RSV (he's home now and ok).

Everyone was looking at me a little suspiciously while I was shooting with my new toy. I heart this camera, but I heart Fuji FP-100B even more.


Aubrey said...

Yikes, I don't know that I would dare to take photos inside the airport!

I can just imagine security hauling me off to a terrorist holding cell, and my only defense would be "BUT JONATHAN CANLAS' PHOTOS WERE SO COOL....."

Unknown said...

Snapping pictures at airport ;O really LOVE you new toy that much ;)

Unknown said...

WOW your new toy looks like a monster! A beautiful monster.