And if you are wondering what is up with the "blurry" shots in this series, I pretty much HATE the bulb setting on my Holga. I NEVER use it intentionally, but here (the uber blurry shots), I guess I don't mind a mistake here and there. Meaning, I shot these on the BULB setting without knowing. But a whole roll wasted? No thanks. If you are going to buy a Holga, buy the Holga 120S, not the 120N.
The last shot here is of a couple who looks like they only have 1 child but they are just like us, 5 kids. I had to take their photo.
And if you are in SLC anytime, go check out MOOCHIES. The best thing at this whole carnival was their steak n cheese sandwich. Guy's been there.
Man alive, I love me some Carnies...
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