Ok, hold on to your pants, its official. I am offering 2 (yes, TWO!), scholarships for the upcoming Film is Not Dead Workshop in Park City Oct 5th-7th.
Here is the 411.
1 scholarship is open for UT residents only. I'll even ask you for a copy of your current electrical bill. The 2nd scholarship is open to anyone and everyone OUTSIDE of UT.
So, here is how it works...

UT Scholarship: This is scholarship is being offered through the uber awesome local blog "Your Heart Out". What is YHO? It is a blog dedicated to all things cool in UT. So, here is what you have to do. The contest has been appropriately dubbed "FILM YOUR HEART OUT". Each contestant must document, on film, the "essence of UT". YHO is all about UT and Film is Not Dead is all about FILM so it is the perfect marriage of both. Email your ONE PHOTO to:
All entries must be received Aug 31st, 2009 by midnight. You must include your name, the camera you shot it with, and the film stock and no more than 200 word description how your image is the "essence of UT". I will choose the top 5 CREATIVE (YES, CREATIVE and outside the box - read a picture of a pretty mountain just might not cut it) images and then they will be posted on YourHeartOut.com and the readers will choose the winner. Again, this scholarship is for UT residents only. The scholarship CAN NOT be gifted or transferred so if you can't come, don't enter.
EVERYONE ELSE SCHOLARSHIP: This is the same contest. FILM YOUR HEART OUT! With the best of your ability, express ON FILM, how Film is Not Dead. This scholarship is open to anyone OUTSIDE OF UT. All entries must be received by Aug 31st at midnight. Again, this scholarship CAN NOT be transferred to anyone so if you can not attend yourself, do not enter. I am looking for the most CREATIVE (read - story telling + compelling images that go above and beyond the obvious) image. The top 5 images will be posted to the blog and then you, the readers will choose who will win. Again, each entry must be accompanied by no more than a 200 word description (it could be one sentence, as long as it describes it) on how your entry is the "essence of Film is Not Dead", film stock used, and camera info as well.
Here in one big rule/stipulation of both scholarships (c'mon, a $2000 scholarship has to be worked for):
All entries MUST be shot between Aug 17th and Aug 31st 2009. The point of the scholarship is to get people out and shooting film, not going and digging through old negs :). A receipt of the developed/scanned film must be presented by both winners from your local labs.
Also, this scholarship(s) is for registration only. Travel to and from the workshop and all lodging is the attendees responsibility. For details on the workshop and all that it entails, go HERE.
Ok, folks, I think that is it. So get to it, grab your Holga, your Canon AE-1, and for some of you, your Contax 645 and go shoot some film!!!
I am so happy to hear that there is a scholarship for those who live outside of UT.
I am so excited I have been shaking and writing down ideas ALL MORNING!!!!
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