Seriously, I used to shoot with this camera ALL THE TIME. And I mean, ALL THE TIME. To me, this camera equals summer and everything that comes with it. Well, summer came really late this year weather wise and I got tied up shooting other things and totally neglected my Holga. So, the other day, the kids were playing outside in the HEAT, like that have all summer and I decided to bust out my Holga and give it a whirl. It did not disappoint, it actually over performed. These images are straight out of camera, cross-processed, and I added a Nikon SB80 for some fill since I was shooting back lit.
I've been shooting a TON of Instax lately as I just love the format and the actual instant print I get. However, after these results, its time to bring the Holga back in full force and use it during its peak season, SUMMER.
Hope everyone is having a good one...summer that is :).
Your youngests swimsuit is toatlly on backwards right!? haha. Way cute.
your holgas are always the best. LOVE these. and love the holga.
ha, yes, her swimsuit is totally backwards and totally my fault :).
thanks naomi!
SO cute! You are such a lucky daddy. :)
emlizalmo - INDEED! how are your 5 kids!!!???
Jonathan, your holga's are always a delight.
(I'm headed to La Jolla in a couple of days, and the holga is coming with me. These have made me even more excited to use it!)
caitlin - grab your passport and cross over to TJ. you won't regret it:
I ordered my 1st holga last week. It's expected at my door step any day! I cannot wait for the fun to begin!!! Love your striking images.
I'm glad it's back. I've missed that blue blue sky!
Love these :)
EPITOME! LOVE THESE...makes me want to come over and jump in your pool. LOVE IT!
I love these man
Whose arm is wrapped around Isaac's hip? It looks like Ila has Elastagirl powers. LOVE your kids
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