November 25, 2008 is live!

Thank you all so much for your patience! My website has been down for quite sometime as I was undergoing some design work. I am pleased to announce the website is finally LIVE!!!

You can visit it here:


You will find some changes from the last site. There are now 2 seperate websites. 1 for my weddings and families and 1 for my commercial and personal work.

Any and all feedback is welcome. Just leave it in the comments!

Now that the website is up and running, the blog will be getting a face lift as well over the next week or so. Nothing too drastic, just enough to bring it all together design wise (new headers, colors, floating image etc.).

And to kick it all off, I am starting a 35% off sale on all print orders from all events starting tomorrow. You can find your event HERE. This Thanksgiving sale begins tomorrow (Wednesday 11.26.2008 12:01AM MST) and goes until midnight on Monday (12.1.2008 11:59PM MST). Again, this sale is for all print orders only and does not apply to products like albums or DVD's.

This post will be the last post of this week.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone and get ready for more posts starting next week. I believe I am pre-blogged until the middle of Dec :).


Anonymous said...

The new site is sweet. Best of Luck to you!

Meg Ruth said...

Fantastic. Congrats!

Also page 20 in "My Family" isn't loading.

Rebekah said...

OH my gosh, it's so much goodness wrapped into ONE website.


My fave is YOUR (canlas) family section. That's awesome.

Jenn Kirk said...

Stunning. It's real user-friendly and has clever, intuitive navigation. More photography sites need to be designed like this.

craig said...

Wow, very nice. The galleries are so well composed--each one tells its own beautiful story. You should be quite pleased!


Anonymous said...

I love the new site. Browsing through it all I just thought.. Jon is freakin' amazing.

I love the site design and flow of it too. nice work.

Anonymous said...

shot 7 under Travel/Missouri of the girl is stunning. I am amazed at all the great portraits you capture when you travel.

ok, I'm done. maybe..

Holly-girl said...

All I can say is ... WOW. The new site is STUNNING, to say the least. Browsing through it was like walking through an art gallery, wanting to linger on every single image. So, so beautiful ... job well done! :-)

Anonymous said...

fantastic, fantastic, fantastic! it looks great jonathan!

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Jonathan!!

Michelle said...

I love the new site. I am glad you chose to add Krisi in your bridals since I loved how sassy you made her look with your new lens.

Most of all, I am glad I got married 5 years ago when I could afford you! ;) You deserve EVERYTHING your hard works brings your way. Congrats.

Leo Patrone said...

We should celebrate the new website by going to White Castle and Jack In The Box.

Awesome site...

Anonymous said...

i love the new site! its simple and still interesting. i like the subtle flash animations and i like the size that you chose to display your photos--not too big or too small. the typography is so beautiful and i like how your site doesn't expand to a bigger window because that is sooo annoying to me. it makes me drool just to look through your personal/commercial photos!

one thing i did like about your old site is the near/far separation of your weddings. i don't know if i have seen that on other wedding photographers websites and i thought that was unique.

my question is, how did you manage to narrow down the photos that you wanted to include in your galleries?? i bet you have a mega load of awesome photos!!

yay for fantastic websites!!

emmy said...

the site ... is tasty.

Natalie. said...

Mufi loves it.

emlizalmo said... is seamless and perfect. I knew it would be. Just one more reminder that you are amazing.

Bri {collected} said...

It looks great Jonathan! I'm so glad it's finally here!!

Kim said...

Awesome, awesome site. Love the design and all the images too, of course.

Anonymous said...

You know, I think your work is absolutely marvelous. I love your work - and this site is a great way to take it all in. I have no idea how you narrowed down to the final selection.
One note is that I'm having trouble loading the galleries as fast as I want to click through them. I realize that it's probably my own greediness to look at everything at once causing the problem ... but thought it might be worth investigating.