November 13, 2008

Life Before Death - Walter Schels

{*photo by Walter Schels}

I came across one of the most moving set of portraits today on the Guardian. It is by photographer Walter Schels. What are they you ask? Well go take a gander HERE.

There is a great interview with Walter and his partner on the Guardian as well HERE.

"German photographer Walter Schels was terrified of death, but felt compelled to take these extraordinary series of portraits of people before and on the day they died. His partner Beate Lakotta recorded the poignant and revealing interviews with the subjects in their final days."

Seriously, go take an hour and look at the photos, and then read the article. It is seriously amazing. I don't know if I could photograph something that truly terrified me.

Life is so delicate. I'm going to go make some photos of those I love.

{ps, I am curious if you the reader are interested in posts like these. I am constantly scouring various publications and the internets for inspiration and I always seem to find it OUTSIDE of the wedding world (no offense to wedding photogs). Leave a comment and let me know if you would like more post like this one...}


Anna said...

Yes please!

nicole said...

i've seen this before and his series are so eerie yet compelling. its a very interesting idea.

and i really like these inspirational posts! so i say, keep them coming!

debby said...

keep 'em coming!

Molly W. said...

I appreciate posts like these, keep 'em comin'!

Anonymous said...

It so sad and scary that so many people are lost to cancer.

andi said...

I once spent the day in DC photographing two families on the day their babies were still born. They later told me these were the only photos of a child they wondered about every Christmas, birthday or first day of school. I have often wondered if I could start something like this here in UT.

Anonymous said...

I like them too. I came across this gallery a few months ago and was so taken by all the images. It's probably the most interesting project I've seen in a long time. love it.

Anonymous said...

I love photography. In all of it's many forms. Thank you for sharing this and everything else you have posted that moves you in some way.

Jonathan Canlas said...

Ok then, it seems the consensus is that posts like these are green light go. I will be doing an "inspiration" post once a week which will feature photography/art/music whatever that will hopefully inspire you as well and quite possibly, BLOW YOUR MIND :)

Ashton Rodgers said...

jon, i love these posts. keep doing it.

Rachel F. said...

Yes! Keep them coming. It is nice to see other areas of photography and humanity.

Coco said...

Dooce posted this on her blog a few months back and I thought it was the coolest perspective on life and death. Totally worth another look.

alexismdyer said...

this was amazing. life is incredibly delicate. We have to savor each moment.

Thank you for posting this.

Unknown said...

Yes-keep them coming! I wish I had the time to find great work like this. Thanks for doing all the work!

Lara said...

Wow, one of the most poignant galleries I've seen in a long time. Thanks for sharing this. It is a touching and striking reminder that life is so precious.

Adhis said...

While reading Beate’s story about wanting to die alone, I was reassured that I rather have the people I love sending me off.

The line “I’d love to be able to participate in life one last time…” by Rita brought tears to my eyes. I’ve wasted so much life.

Barbara, the “unwanted baby,” struck a chord with me. How powerful our words and actions are. They design, to some extent, the path and depth of experience for those around us.

This is a fascinating collection of photos and interviews. Powerful.

Diane said...

love it!

Unknown said...

Very much so. This was so hard to look at and yet so hard not to. Very, very, deep. I second the fact that I wish I had time to find these types of inspiration on my own...thank you for sharing.

Mandy said...


LuckyRedHen said...

I like this stuff and I like your stuff (the photography, of course).

Ms. Charlotte said...

Yes! I love these types of posts. They give me great ideas for my class.

Katherine said...

I would also love to see more of these types of posts!