August 7, 2008

What is so cool about Paris?

Is it the architecture? No. Is it Notre Dame? No. Is it the Lurve? No. Is it the out of this world crepes? Again, my answer is no. Oh, what about their totally awesome/backwards keyboards that cause you to type in search and destroy mode as none of the letters are where they should be? Definitely not. You want to know what the coolest thing about Paris is? VELIB!!! For 1 euro a day you can rent a bike from practically anywhere and return it practically anywhere. So, today, my brother and I saw Paris on Redbull, in the fact that we rode our bikes EVERYWHERE and saw almost every major landmark in under 2 hours. Day 1 in Paris = radtastic. This took way too long to type due to their mentioned keyboards...


cole said...

europeans really do know what's up. I noticed this after my recent trip to IKEA.

Adhis said...

Hmmm... mental note: Pack own computer keyboard when traveling to France.