July 27, 2013

Lehi Roundup 2013

Last month was busy. Like real busy. I was in San Francisco earlier in the month. Then I flew to UT, ran Ragnar, and immediately after the race, got on a plane to England. I had booked my flight to the UK prior to our move to Hawaii so on the way home I had a 18 hour layover in Salt Lake City. I realized the Lehi Roundup was that night so I booked it straight to Lehi to go document it. Got on a plane the next day back to Hawaii. Man oh man, do I still love this town...

Want a print for your wall? Get one HERE.


David Jenkins said...

Just checked this out and stone the crows it's good. So vivid and varied but such a great collection. Amazing. I need to get out more with the camera.

Anonymous said...


JenKa said...

You're an inspiration every single day.