July 11, 2012

Thanksgiving Point

This is literally in my backyard. Thanksgiving Point. A 10 minute walk from my house. They asked me to come and shoot some of their grounds for promotional use. So up at 6am I went to go shoot. Hopefully, we'll be seeing this stuff on their website :).


Jade said...

Wow, those colors. Unreal!

Megan said...

This is seriously beautiful stuff. The colors are amazing.

Suzy G said...

My eyes just popped out of my head. Stunning! What a wonderful backyard to have!!

rebeccalynnphoto said...

Hopefully? Well they are quite daft if they don't use them. These are beautifully done.

Amelia Johnson said...

Sensational. Absolutely sensational. To think that I never attended. What a crime.

CountryMouse said...

wow, beautiful. You are so lucky to have something like this so close but then again beauty can be found anywhere.