Whoa, this wedding was awesome. A big thank you to Whitney and Michael for having me out. Pure Ecstasy was their wedding band and they are OFF THE HOOK. I first saw them play at a wedding in 2007 in Atherton CA and it blew my mind. A big thanks to Cody Buell for coming out with me and being light on a stick.
You can view the whole event and order prints HERE.
What a beautiful bride! I'm a sucker for shoes and I LOVE that pic of the bride and groom's shoes! Awesome as usual Jonathan.
Hey Jon,
I addition to your new site, congrats on your feature in PDN's Photo Source guide, that's awesome!
Holy, freaking, awesome.
You knocked it out of the park - I love this set.
What filter or settings did you use on photo #30 and #34 in your post? I love the blue color and the circular frame/shadow around the subject.
no filters katie. no filters EVER.
it is a holga camera shot on kodak e100vs and cross processed. there is a vingette because of the 6x4.5 mask taken out and replaced with a 6x6 mask and the crazy colors comes from the cross processing...
hope that helps!
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